Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Goals :: 4/8 - 4/14/2012

Last week I posted a few of my weekly goals. I've crossed out and added to the goal list. Did you get your goals accomplished? Did you set new ones?

Goals for 4/8 - 4/14 2012

1. Put up Easter decor
2. Hang remaining art work and bulletin boards.
3. Refill bird feeders and hang hummingbird feeder.
4. Groom roses and make a caterpillar repellent.

1. Help boys with memory verse: Isaiah 58:11
2. Take the boys to Dalton Days
3. Family Night
4. Finish reading the Odyssey
5. 4H meeting

1. Junior Master Gardener class and misc.
2. Plan and help with Wednesday night Church activities
3. Homeschool Field Trips
4. Prepare for meeting with LongviewWOW

1. The April Treat Yourself Right Challenge
2. Pilates class
3. Lunch date with friends
4. Write
5. Help with bridal shower
6. Purchase gifts for birthdays, bridal showers, and baby showers

I got all of last week's goals accomplished! A definite improvement from the previous week.

Goals for 4/15 - 4/21/2012

1. Clean patio
2. Clean out flower beds and mow yard
3. Weekly chores
4. Clean foyer

1. Work on memory verse
2. Field Trip to historical museum
3. Make Moose cookies
4. Plan fun family activity

1. Work JMG garden plot; and plant
2. Help with the youth ministry at Church
3. Program and Fundraising committee meetings
4. Make cupcakes for a friend's church fundraiser

1. Create a terra cotta cupcake stand for bridal shower
2. Create my next Pinterest Production
3. Search hi and low for Berenstain Bear fabric
4. Spend time with my husband
5. Begin reading The Life Ready Woman by Shaunti Feldhahn

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