With each New Year’s beginning, I choose a word or phrase to
help guide me through the coming year; call it a mantra, if you will. Past
verbiage has included: firsts, learning, and simplicity; the latter was my
guide through 2014. And, while my life is anything but simple, I did make some
great changes to help simplify the way I and my family lived day to day. It
took a lot of work on my part to make sure I stayed as close to the track as
possible with this particular concept and sometimes I got a bit derailed, but I
do know some wonderfully positive changes have come about for simplicity’s sake
(and mine).
I tend to buck the system when it comes to New Year’s
resolutions. In fact, I don’t believe in them and find them detrimental to the
individual who breaks a pact with one’s self. I do, however, believe in setting
goals for myself each year and in hoping so, I choose a beacon to guide me on
my path. This year, I will live life out loud.
In 2015, I will strive to live in the present, say yes more
often to things that bring me joy, get out of my comfort zone, seek out
adventures, focus on my strengths, march to the beat of my drum, and stay the
course. I plan to rediscover my creative passions that were shelved long
ago and inspire my boys to express their own creativity through whatever
outlets they pursue. I cannot wait to sally forth into this year full of
Wishing you all a year like none before...