Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Reading List :: Update

Update: It's been a few months since I've updated my reading list. I'm actually quite surprised at how much I've read since the beginning of February. I did have to add a few books to the list, just so I could cross them off! And yes, I sometimes tend to read out of order - that's just my wild, bibliophile-self shining through.

I'm an avid reader. I believe you can learn just about everything you need to know from a book - and then apply that knowledge to real, everyday life. With my life being as full as it is, I am amazed at how I find the time to read - but with any other passion, if it's what you love to do, the time will be there.

The Reading List

1. The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine

2. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Up Close by Jonathan Safran Foer I reviewed this book last month.

3. The only Grant-Writing Book You'll Ever Need by Ellen Karsh and Arlen
Sue Fox

4.Texas Organic Vegetable Gardening by J. Howard Garrett

5. Soft Target by Stephen Hunter

6. The 10 Second Rule by Clare DeGraff

7. The Lady in Gold by Anne Marie O'Connor This is my current read! I was excited to find it in the library on Friday.

8. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett

9. Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Lindsey Biel

10.Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

11. A Place at the Table by Chris Seay

12. The House of Velvet and Glass by Katherine Howe Finished this one last night - intriguing story. A historical fiction must-read. Katherine Howe has created, yet again, a fantastic tale. 

13. Chasing the Sun by Tracie Peterson I reviewed this book earlier this month.

14. The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer

Do you have any good reads you would love to share?


  1. ugh. tess of the d'ubberdkhfahfdkh. :) read that in high school, all us girls cried! It would probably be more enjoyed as an adult. hehehe

  2. It is a fabulous read : ) In fact, it's one of my favorites : ) But you are right, it is way more enjoyable to read as an adult. I didn't understand what Hardy was really implying when I first read it in high school.
