Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekly Goals :: 5/14 - 5/20/2012

Last week I posted a few of my weekly goals. I've crossed out and added to the goal list. Did you get your goals accomplished? Did you set new ones?

Goals for 5/6 - 5/13/2012

1. Help husband re-organize garage
2. Re-organize closets
3. Work on freezer meals
4. Weekly Chores

1. Work on weekly memory verse
2. Piano lessons
3. Teach a new recipe
4. Field Trip to Freshwater Fishery

1. Dining 4 Dollars event
2. AllyFest booth
3. Youth Ministry at Church
4. JMG class
5. World of William meeting

1. Start researching for my book
2. Work on antique wooden headboard/footboard I got a lot done this past week, but this just never made it in the schedule.
3. Schedule eye exam/glasses repaired for Jake Having a hard time setting this up with his work schedule.
4. Mom's Night Out
5. Begin Walk to Wellness with Jake and his company (Really running...but that's what its called)
I logged 11 miles last week!!!

Weekly Goals 5/14 - 5/20/2012

This post is making it a little later than I would like, but today has been a high stress day coupled with our normal routine. But, at least I'm getting it up before the end of the day; one more goal crossed off!

1. Remove red wasp nest from front foyer
2. Return items to attic
3. Hang up new pictures
4. Find garage sale frames to upcycle for boys' rooms

1. Piano lessons
2. Junior Master Gardeners' garden
3. 4H Elections
4. Create a summer to-do list

1. Fundraising meeting; contact donors
2. Wednesday night youth ministry
3. Pancake breakfast for Constable
4. Develop non-profit garage sale plans

1. Canning class
2. Continue researching book
3. Blog articles
4. Continue morning workout

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