Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Remembering Maurice Sendak

As I went to sleep last night, I couldn't help but think about Maurice Sendak's wonderful stories. Most famously known for Where the Wild Things Are, he also wrote more than 30 other children's books, including Bumble-Ardy, published a mere eight months ago.

I've taken my boys to many events featuring the Wild Things, from library readings to a parade. At a museum exhibit in Virginia, we even rode a slide into his giant bowl of Chicken Soup and Rice and cooked In the Night Kitchen.

Today, the boys and I will pay homage to such a skilled writer by reading through our collection. We may pretend to be Wild Things or simply Max, but we will thank him for his shared talents.

This morning, I can picture the characters of his stories softly weeping for their beloved creator; tears rolling down those big eyes of Tzippy, Moishe, Aaron, Emile and Bernard.

Its hard for me to imagine a world without Mr. Sendak or my beloved Jan Berenstain. I am just blessed I got to know these two amazing authors through their works and I look forward to continually sharing them with my children, and one day theirs.

Texas Homemaking would like to dedicate this 100th blog post to Maurice Sendak, may he always be remembered through his works.

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