Friday, July 13, 2012

Norland Day & Freebie Friday :: Oh what fun!

A few months ago, I shared a bit about a holiday that is personal to our family - Norland Day. It isn't a real holiday for anyone outside of our household, unless you think its great and by all means, join in the fun!

This Norland Day just happened to coincide with two companies' freebie days: Chick-fil-A and Starbucks (my two favorite places). Needless to say, this has been one of the best Norland Days ever!

We started the day off by getting all of the work out of the way so we could play. School and chores had to be accomplished, so we got up early and set to work.

Once done, we made "cow" costumes for the boys and I. (Yes, I said cow costumes!) Every year, Chick-fil-A hosts a Cow Appreciation Day and passes out free meals or entrees to patrons depending upon their level of cowness. They even supply cow costume kits online for attendees to print out spots and signs that read Eat More Chickin.

This year, cut out spots from white muslin and safety pinned them onto brown shirts for the boys and a black summer dress for me. We looked hilarious, but we did get a combo meal and two spicy chicken sandwiches for our silliness!

Earlier in the week, I received a $10 off a $10 purchase card from Kohl's to use today (Freebie Friday). I was not in need of anything, but I have a niece on the way who will be needing a few things. I found an adorable baby outfit made by Carters originally prices at $20 and on sale for $10. Wow! Another freebie!

After lunch, we went to Starbucks to try their brand new Refreshers. The tea based drinks come in two flavors - Cool Lime and Hibiscus Berry. Today, Starbucks offered they for FREE from 12 to 3 pm. The eldest and myself opted for the enjoyable Cool Lime, while the youngest choose the sweet and crisp Hibiscus Berry. The verdict: "Refreshing!" as the youngest put it. He cracks me up sometimes...

While we sipped on our drinks, we headed to Brookshires. I received a e-coupon in my inbox this morning regarding a free 24 pack of bottled water without any other purchase. How can you resist that?

Midway through, the boys wanted to go bowling. As I've previously mentioned, we signed them up for the Kids Bowl Free summer program. Since they already have bowling shoes, we just printed out our coupons and the bowls enjoyed 2 rounds of bowling on the house.

We also landed at the new Splash Pad after bowling. It doesn't cost anything to play there and it made for a nice outdoor activity in between the rains.

The day's still young and we have many more activities planned for Norland Day. I'm almost certain I'm going to need a nap!

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