Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly Goals :: 3/5 - 3/11/2012

Last week I posted a few of my weekly goals. I've crossed out and added to the goal list. Did you get your goals accomplished? Did you set new ones?

Goals for 2/27-3/4

1. Tackle the garage (It proved to be a little larger than expected last week!) And it has still proven to elude me for two straight weeks - this is the week, I just know it!
2. Make a master Spring Cleaning plan  The plan will be online in the nest few days!
3. Finish "puppy-proofing" the living area and kitchen

1. Sit down and discuss chores and responsibilities
2. Create a menu for the next two weeks
3. Go see a movie : )
4. Help with memory verse ~ Proverbs 19:21

1. Board meeting
2. Help with Wednesday Night church classes/Potluck
3. Begin planning for a wedding shower with friends
4. Continue fundraising efforts
5. Help with World of Wind & Air program

1. Begin Pilates class   I can't tell you how much I enjoy this class!
2. Finish my new DIY Pinterest Production
3. Begin reading first 3 chapters of The Only Grant Writing Book You'll Ever Need 
4. Get a haircut! 
I called an rescheduled 3 times!!! : )
5. Book puppy training classes at PetsMart or Petco

Goals for 3/5 - 3/11

1. Tackle the Garage (You know you can do this!)
2. Purchase cleaning supplies needed for next week's Spring Cleaning.
3. Organize youngest's room with him.

1. Help with this week's memory verse.
2. Let's go play Putt-Putt!
3. Assign Spring Cleaning duties.

1. Drop off LEGOs for exhibit.
2. Secure prizes for event.
3. Purchase materials needed for first JMG meeting.
4. Help with Wednesday night Church classes.

1. Pilates class and running.
2. Blog each weekday.
3. Read next 3 chapters in The Only Grant Writing Book...
4. Read the first 4 chapters of Hebrews.

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