Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wekly Goals :: 8/27 - 9/2/2012

Last week I posted a few of my weekly goals. I've crossed out and added to the goal list. Did you get your goals accomplished? Did you set new ones?

Weekly Goals for 8/20 - 8/26/2012

1. Eldest to mow the yard; youngest and I to weed the garden beds. I'm starting to get a little fond of the weeds...maybe they should stay a week longer ; )
2. Laundry from trip.
3. Put away camping gear - clean it up too!
4. Go get groceries and cat food - we mustn't forget the cat food : )
5. Weekly cleaning chores

1. Get the first week of school ready for Monday
2. Set-up new piano lessons for eldest - This is up for debate in the house right now, that being said, I did find contact information.
3. Set-up swimming for both boys and myself - I have had a most difficult time finding a place for swimming during the week and during the day, without having to be on a swim team. I'm not sure this one will ever be met.
4. Order baby shower gift for Sister-In-Law
5. Cook a roast for the boys and husband
6. Boys to 4H leaders meeting
7. Fall Kick-Off Party at Church
8. Register for 4H

1. Prep and plant JMG fall garden - We did a great job working on the first plot. This goal will transfer to the this week again.
2. Finish photo booth for Sunday
3. Confirm field trip for Thursday

1. Get a haircut
2. Update blog with new affiliates
3. Begin reading Touching the Sky by Tracie Peterson
4. Start new workout routine to reach my five personal goals

Weekly Goals for 8/27 - 9/2/2012

1. Get the rose bed weeded
2. Clean out the gutters
3. Weekly chores
4. Place older toys in the attic, the boys aren't ready to part with them yet!
5. Plan menu for next two weeks

1. Use coins from the Date Night jar to go on a date with my husband!
2. Complete our first week of the new school year
3. Take the boys to a 4H Shooting Sports meeting
4. Take eldest to Music Ensemble practice
5. Reorganize youngest's room - We still haven't discovered the optimal organizing strategy for him
6. Set up a LEGO instructions binder for boys

1. Complete 4H One Day set-up
2. Deliver signage for LongviewWOW
3. Homeschool group items
4. Take a meal to church friends
5. Work on grants for JMG project: greenhouse and garden
6. Continue prepping and planting the JMG garden

1. Meet my weekly workout goals
2. Continue reading Touching the Sky by Tracie Peterson
3. Organize my school binder and cabinets

And just because I wanted to share yesterday's lunch conversation:

Me: "One of our missions (today) is to work on your room (speaking to youngest)."

Without skipping a beat and as serious as possible.

Eldest: "Mission compromised."

I hope you all have a GREAT week and that if yesterday was your first day back to school, I hope it went well!

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