One of my good friends shared this idea with me today via Family Fun Magazine. How cute are these adorable little Groundhogs??? I know my boys will love them at first sight!
I set out acquiring the supplies this afternoon - boy is it a lot, but definitely worth it! And along the way, I learned a few tips not shared in the magazine which I think are important for us home chefs.
Since tomorrow is Groundhog Day and we will be up watching Punxsutawney Phil, I'll have a little treat for them to brighten their morning.
Here's what you need (and you still have time):
- Almond slivers or whole almonds if you're brave enough to make your own!
- Peanut butter chips (Reece's)
- Chocolate wafers (Oreos)
- Milano cookies (Pepperidge Farm)
- Chocolate icing (Betty Crocker)
- Chocolate pudding (Snack Packs)
- An icing bag or a small plastic baggie
- And a cutting board, a sharp knife, a butter knife, and a smile on your face!
In addition to cutting the ears and teeth, I also cut the tips off of two peanut butter chips to provide a flat side to adhere to the Milano cookie.
Next, I assembled the Groundhog. Using an icing bag 1/4 of the way filled with chocolate icing, I carefully piped the icing as a "glue" along the edge of the ears (almonds), cheeks (chips), and teeth (almonds) and then adhered them to the Milano cookie. Once secure, I then piped eyes and a nose directly onto the cookie.
Make sure the hole in the bag you pipe the icing with is small, as you are working with tiny items.
Next, open the pudding and gently push the Groundhog into the pudding about 1/2 way or at least until stable.
Using a butter knife, scrape off the white frosting from the Oreo wafers (and proceed to eat said frosting!). Stack the wafers on top of one another. Using the butter knife press down on the cookies until they are crushed into small particles. Then, lightly sprinkle the particles on top of the pudding around the Groundhog. (Keep smiling, these are too cute!)
Set aside and make one for each member of the family! Serve cold and watch the kids enjoy this tasty treat!
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