Friday, March 1, 2013

Monthly Goals :: March 2013 & February's Recap

With each new year, I try to change and grow in positive ways to enhance my life and make the most of my time. I usually blog about my weekly goals each Monday, but this year I think I'm going to take away the small goals and work on reaching my larger goals on a monthly basis. We will see how it goes!

March 2013 Goals


1. Build a fence on our newly acquired property. I think we finally have a
    style picked out we can both agree upon!
2. Prep and begin Spring Cleaning - this is a huge goal for the month. Be on
    the lookout for upcoming cleaning posts!


1. Learn how to swing dance with Jake (date night)
2. Take the boys to another archery competition - they did swell last time!
3. Spend time with grandparents
4. Help with my youngest's fashion show project


1. Finish Due Diligence surveys on the museum as well as prepare the 
    Facilities budget
2. Plant the Junior Master Gardener garden for Spring
3. Finalize Spring field trips for homeschool group


1. Continue working on 13 Things to Learn in 2013. This month, I'm hoping
    to tackle learning how to fly fish!
2. Continue writing new posts, finishing blog update, and join Dandelion
    Moms Project Kindness.
3. With the weather warming up, I'm hoping to get in a daily bike ride this
    month as well.
4. Perfect my stress busting technique.

February came and went! I got a ton accomplished and I'm really looking forward to March!

February 2013 Goals


1. Begin designing out my backyard for this year's landscape remodel.
2. Continue filling my freezer with meals for the upcoming Spring.
3. Now that the house is decluttered, go through and repair items on January's list.
4. Get the car detailed and its oil changed. I didn't get it detailed...


1. Learn how to Tango with Jake (date night)! As much as I wanted this to happen, I ended up hurting my back!
2. Take the boys to an archery competition
3. Enjoy Norland day!
4. Create a new therapy routine.


1. Get a Tea Party, Field Trips, and Camping together for our homeschool family.
2. Continue working on the initial build-out of the museum.
3. Build a garden fence; lay our beds out; and start seeds with my Junior Master Gardeners
4. With help from friends, put on a Food Showcase for kids in 4-H. This was a lot of fun! Can't wait to do it again next year!


1. Finish reading Rick Warren's What on Earth am I Here for? and Melanie Shankle's Sparkly Green Earrings for reviews this month. Be on the lookout for a chance to win Melanie's book!
2. Make it a point to spend time with my friend's more this month. I feel January came and went and I didn't get enough friend time.
3. Continue working on 13 Things to Learn in 2013.
4. Update my blog (hopefully a new header), layout new articles, and write some new posts for Dandelion Moms.

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